brithday today, birthday ttmr

I was looking around Muddgirl’s site, and when i clicked “birthday countdown”, i noticed her birthday is on July 31st!

Guess what? My birthday is on July 30!

Cool eh?


My Totally Insane Party

Hey Penguins!

I havent had a party in a super long time, so I am going to have an insane one! Here is the invitation:

Cant read the invitation? Here is what it says:

“Muddgirl4000’s Super Awesome CP Cheats Totally Insane Party”

Server: Sleet
Where: Iceberg (We will go from there)
Why: 3000 Hits
When: Sunday, April 4th
Time: 1:00 PM PST
 I will be featuring 5 lucky penguins on my blog!

Comment if you can make it!


Worlds Hardest Riddle

Update: We have reached over 3000 hits! Free Penguin Time:

Username: Blakk Poizon
Password: Limbo81

Username: Howzit2ya
Password: webkinz4000
or webkinz81

Username: Missy Enuton
Password: Webkinz4000 or Webkinz81


Hey Penguins! I know that this isnt Club Penguin Related, but I have just found the best riddle ever! It took my so long to figure it out!

Here it is:



You’re in a solid room, and the only thing in the room is a mirror and a table. There is no door. How do you get out?



You look in the mirror,
You see what you SAW,
You take out the SAW,
You cut the Table in half,
Two halves make a (w)hole,
You climb out through the hole,
You got out of the room!

Hard right! None of my buddies figured it out!

Got any more cool riddles? Comment them and I might show yours!


The Penguin Times #181

Hey Penguins!

I am too lazy to take pictures today. To see the new newspaper Click Here. Did you see it? I got bored and drew on it 😀

Also, there is a new coloring page. If you want to read about that, Click Here.

Well, thats pretty much it! Remember that I will be having a totally insane party very soon, so get ready!

Keep Waddling On Until Your Flippers Hurt!
